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Contents and Layout

The White Top Investor Table of Contents and Site Layout page organizes the White Top Investor lessons by subject.

White Top Investor Table of Contents and Site Layout

The White Top Investor Table of Contents and Site Layout page organizes the White Top Investor lessons by subject with the most recent first.

See all posts on a topic

Scroll to the bottom to see all topics listed in the bottom section of this page. On each subject the single lessons and several lesson series list together. That organization makes it easy to find all posts and series on each topic.

You can use lessons in any order. To see all posts on a topic, click on the topic classification. That opens a page listing all posts on that topic. Listings appear in reverse chronological order.

Scroll down to click for lessons

Reverse chronological order lists recent lessons first with the oldest at the bottom. Newest lessons are at the top. Each page lists 20 lessons.

Lessons group into three broad subject classifications:

Basics: lessons on investing basic topics as well as managing cash flow and finances

Strategy: lessons explaining action or approaches investors use to manage their finances

Research: lessons covered include the topics, techniques and sources investors find useful

Scroll down to see the full topic list

See the last section of this page for an alphabetical listing of all topics. Click on any topic to see all lessons on that topic displayed in reverse chronological order. Each lesson teaches something about making money work for you.

Lesson cover stock market investing, financing and management of cash flow. Each lesson helps you learn to manage finances well. That helps you feel safe, in control and happy while investing. That builds your financial independence and security.

Menus on each page access all lesson topics

Menus give you an alternate way to see White Top Investing lessons. Menus appear on each page. The listings appear under the top banner image on each page.

Menus, listed by subject, drop down when a cursor hovers over a topic. Each menu item drop down topic classifications and sub-classifications. Those listings also cross-reference classifications. When fitting, lessons appear under several topics. That applies most often to several lesson series of lessons on a topic.

White Top Investing Lessons

Start here to know the Investor Mind and your stock market self, the mental parts of investing.

Scroll down to click on all White Top Investor Lessons

Money Making Courses

These White Top Investor courses are under development:

Banks, Credit & Debt

Effective Investing & Finance Research

Financial Independence

High Frequency Trading Explained

Market Mind

Market Monitors

Market Risks

Mind Games

Money Choices

Money Magic

Money Strategy Planning & Managing

Portfolio Building

Portfolio Management

Short Story Shorting Stocks

Simply Numbers

Steps To Investing Success

Stock Markets

Wealth Building

Table of Contents

The White Top Investor Table of Contents and Site Layout page organizes the White Top Investor lessons by subject.


Analysis - the world of infinite facts and opinions

Analysts Reports - experts yes, objective maybe

Annual Reports - facts and management pitch

Averaging Down - a strategy to avoid


Basic Investing - single and multiple investing lessons

Basic Numbers - understand financial statements

Basic Time - the time commitment of investors

Blog - all posts listed in reverse chronological order

Bonds - debt obligations


Central Banks - monetary policy and currency base for government and commercial banks

Bank of Canada – pending

Bank of England – pending

Bank of Japan – pending

Federal Reserve Bank - America calls the banking tune

European Central Bank – pending 

Conference Calls - hot seat, promotion and debate combined

Commodities - primary agricultural and material products

Contrarian - pending - running against the herd

Countries/Regions - includes the following

Asia – pending

Canada – pending

Europe – pending

Japan – pending

U.S.A. – pending


Day-Trading - high risk for big wins or losses

Derivatives - futures, options and warrants

Diversification - an essential portfolio strategy


Economy - includes the following

Auto Sales - vehicles, 1 of 3 key trackers

Debt - wealth destroying monster

Employment - jobs, 1 of 3 key trackers

House Sales - real estate, 1 of 3 key trackers

Equities - stocks and shares

ETF - Exchange Traded Funds

Exchanged Traded Funds - ETFs offer both opportunity and risk


Foreign Exchange - FX, open 24/7/365 currency market

Fundamental Analysis – pending


Growth - introduces a positive trading strategy


HFT - High Frequency Trading technology rigging markets

High Frequency Trading – HFT computer controlled trading


Income - getting paid to play

Investing Basics - single and multiple investing lessons

Investor Mind - know your stock market self, the mental parts of investing.

Investing Strategy Topics  - investing strategy lessons

Investment Choice - investment choice lessons


Key Market Indicators - 4 key market indicators


LIBOR - London touches your portfolio

Long - pending


Media - always noisy, always important, needs filtering

BNN – pending

CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

CBS – pending

CNBC – pending

Mind Games - emotion and psychology of investing

Money Market - borrowing and lending on a grand scale

Mutual Fund - long pocket picking history slowly changes


Number of Holdings - how many - enough, too few or too many

NYSE Euronet - the biggest equity and market interest owners


Options - pending - paper plays to buy or sell rights 

Over The Counter – OTC - risky dealer based markets


People of Influence - 

Aristotle - named in linked post

Ben Bernanke - named in linked post

Warren Buffett - named in linked post

Mark Carney - named in linked post

Winston Churchill - named in linked post

Albert Einstein - named in linked post

Benjamin Graham - named in linked post

Alan Greenspan - named in linked post

Denise Shull - named in linked post

Erica Johnson - named in linked post

Brad Katsuyama - named in linked post

Steve Kroft - named in linked post

Michael Lewis - named in linked post

Nelson Mandela - named in linked post

Catherine Murray - named in linked post

Barack Obama - named in linked post

Jerome Powell - named in linked post

John Steinbeck - named in linked post

Donald Trump - named in linked post

Oprah Winfrey - named in linked post

Janet Yellen - named in linked post

Playing Market Odds - understand investing odds

Portfolio Counts and Sizes - basic portfolio management

Portfolio Management - investment management lessons

Position Size - managing the size of investments

Pyramid Portfolio - an effective investing strategy

Pyramid Building - constructing a pyramid portfolio


Real Estate - a basic asset class

Re-balancing - often poorly executed investment strategy

Resource Stocks - huge range of specialty investing

Research - enough or endless research choices

RESP - pending

Review - scheduling and using an investment check list


Scam Defense - defending against stock scams

Series - multiple post series on single investing topics

Short - easy to say, hard to play

Short Story on Short Selling - the short selling process

Small Investor Advantages - small investors can win big

Smart Diversification - an easily workable strategy

Speculating - big risk, big rewards or losses

Stock Markets - U.S.A. and Canadian stock market lessons

Stocks- lessons on equities or shares


Technical Analysis - pending - the chart readers

Technology - Article in the making, subscribers know first

Tax Free Saving Account - TFSA - post in the making. Subscribe to my blog to be the first one to know

TFSA - Tax Free Saving Account - pending

Trading - basic buy low sell high strategy

Treasuries - government debt market


Value Investing - classic conservative strategy


Wealth Building - basic steps to wealth building

Start here to know the Investor Mind and your stock market self, the mental parts of investing.

Images courtesy:FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Kolja Mendler and the United Kingdom Government.

Copyright © 2013-22
Bryan Kelly