Category Archives for 5th Guide – Advanced Stock Market Investing

FAQs about stock scams

FAQ about stock scams, part of managing investment market risks

The Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ about stock scams investors ask are from the Managing Investment Market Risks course explaining how superior investors manage stock market risks. The stock scam questions on this list are from the lessons, Stock scam awareness defense, and, 4 Stock scam tips, each answer is linked to the individual lesson. Both this list and the lessons are regularly updated as markets and investments change.

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FAQs about high frequency trading

FAQ about high frequency trading from investors!

70 Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ about high frequency trading that investors asked are from the High Frequency Trading Explained course that provides a detailed examination of the high frequency trading technology and process as well as the market changing impact. The many questions investors asked are listed here and linked to each individual lesson. Both this list and the lessons are regularly updated as markets, investments, and investing change.

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Making money selling short

Making money selling short

Making money selling short challenges investors. Using exceptional research, short sellers pick the target, timing, techniques and analytics to consistently produce short selling profits. And other investors can use the data, analytics, and research produced by short sellers! That information often helps investors gain market insights and company intelligence. And that helps both long and short investors improve their stock market vision and understanding.

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Investors ask about short selling

Investors ask about short selling

Investors ask about short selling in these FAQ from the short story shorting stocks course on the impact short selling has on investors and markets.  The Introduction to short story shorting stocks course explains the short sale process and how it impacts markets, investors, investing, and companies. Investors ask many questions about what is short […]

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Introducing high frequency trading explained

Introducing high frequency trading and FAQ about HFT

Introducing high frequency trading explained, gives an overview of this course that explains how computers and the latest technology get used to generate huge trading volumes to rig stock markets. Those great volumes, traded at blazing speeds, change markets trading shares, commodities, options and currencies. Course lessons explore those changes, how they came about and how they impact the wealth of every investor.

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Investors deal with high frequency trading

Investors deal with high frequency trading and FAQ about HFT

How investors deal with high frequency trading dramatically changes investing results. Getting the details right can protect investments and trades from HFT. The lesson teaches how superior investors play their small investor advantages to deal with HFT infected markets. Those advantages keep superior investors ahead of HFT and other market rigging schemes.

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Markets, technology, and laws respond to high frequency trading

markets technology and laws respond after high frequency trading and FAQ about HFT

Markets, technology and laws respond to HFT exploitation. That investor abuse attracted a range of responses from a new exchange to doing nothing. Proposals included technology speed bumps, taxes and regulations. Although regulators continue to talk, in most cases proposals are only words. That means no market, trading or investing fixes will address markets rigged for HFT. Time will tell if lawmakers and regulators change to address HFT. Meanwhile, HFT advantages over investors continue. So for now, addressing HFT abuse is up to individual investors.

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Misinformation myths of high frequency trading

Misinformation myths of high frequency trading and FAQ about HFT

Misinformation myths of high frequency trading (HFT) confuse and mislead investors. Driven to protect advantages over investors, bold hype shields HFT pick pockets feeding on investor orders. Their aggressive propaganda campaign protects the market rigging advantages built for HFT. In response, superior investors must become informed, aware and learn countermeasures. Once aware of the pervasive […]

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High frequency trading strategies, risks and regulations

High frequency trading strategies and FAQ about HFT

High frequency trading (HFT) strategies, risks and regulations show their effects across markets. Those markets, tilted by regulators and exchange managements, favor HFT over investors. It continues with constant market change that supports the tilt against investors. All the while HFT uses technology and strategy unavailable to any investor. Only aware investors can protect themselves from HFT.

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Fair and foul high frequency trading

fair and foul high frequency trading and FAQ about HFT

Fair and foul high frequency trading (HFT) hides in arbitrage plays. Some fair plays happen but foul plays take advantage of investors. When those occur, HFT is using this common stock market strategy with unmatchable HFT speeds and their paid access to market and investor information for an unbeatable edge. That means arbitrage trades can suck money from investor pockets. Investors that know and understand HFT, can keep the impact of such actions small. However, as always, informed investors make better decisions and can trades without fear of HFT.

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