All posts by Bryan Kelly

Investors never average down

Investors never average down

Investors never average down. They say yes to buying dips but no to averaging down stocks! The lesson discusses how and why investors never average down but build wealth by selling losers to buy more winners. Successful investors do buy price dips but only average down in a rare limited circumstance. The opposite strategy, averaging up, can be a reliable money maker in the right circumstances. See the lesson for details.

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Stock market trading halts explained

Stock market trading halts explained and FAQ about investment choices

Stock market trading halts explained tells investors about trading halts. Trading halts can be a sign of big trouble, opportunity, or not much at all. But most stock halts are news-related. That news can be about the company or stock, market-related, or be due to regulator action. In all cases, superior investors can quickly learn the reason for a trading halt. Then they can take any needed action to minimize or avoid problems. As well, investors can find money-making opportunities in a trading halt or simply do nothing. Many times, during and after a trading halt, doing nothing is the very best course of action.

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Dangerous dividend warning signs

Dangerous Dividends Flash Red Lights

Dangerous Dividends Flash Warning Signs. Uses Renegade Energy as an example of a company with multiple indications of a high risk dividend. Investors must notice when dangerous dividends flash their warning signs! Dangerous dividends are ones that attract income seeking investors with high but unsustainable returns. Investors can avoid the disaster of losing both the dividend and equity by knowing the warning signs of dangerous dividends.

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3 basic stock market strategies

3 Basic stock market strategies

3 basic stock market strategies include investing, trading, and speculating. These big money makers can make money work when used alone or in combination. When these strategies are used well, all can produce money-making stock market wins for you. But each approach needs different knowledge, skill, and time to deliver the best money-making results. New investors should know and understand the big differences between these strategies as well as how and when to use them to your money-making advantage.

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FAQs about stock scams

FAQ about stock scams, part of managing investment market risks

The Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ about stock scams investors ask are from the Managing Investment Market Risks course explaining how superior investors manage stock market risks. The stock scam questions on this list are from the lessons, Stock scam awareness defense, and, 4 Stock scam tips, each answer is linked to the individual lesson. Both this list and the lessons are regularly updated as markets and investments change.

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Portfolio building success keys

3 portfolio building success keys

Superior investors use 3 portfolio-building success keys when building a stock portfolio, approach, cost control, and exceptional market awareness. These 3 keys build the most productive wealth-building investment portfolios. And each investor can use these kays to make their investment portfolio fit their personal circumstances. Learn and use the success keys, approach to markets, serious cost control, and exceptional market awareness to build your wealth-building portfolio.

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Thinking investors grow money!

Investment thinking - buy little or big

Thinking investors grow money and although you can be a little bit invested you should not be casual about where or how you invest. Investment thinking means carefully considering even small investments. Consider it as seriously as you would if buying the entire company. You don’t want even a small bit or a single share unless it would be worth your while owning it all.

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FAQs about high frequency trading

FAQ about high frequency trading from investors!

70 Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ about high frequency trading that investors asked are from the High Frequency Trading Explained course that provides a detailed examination of the high frequency trading technology and process as well as the market changing impact. The many questions investors asked are listed here and linked to each individual lesson. Both this list and the lessons are regularly updated as markets, investments, and investing change.

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Making money selling short

Making money selling short

Making money selling short challenges investors. Using exceptional research, short sellers pick the target, timing, techniques and analytics to consistently produce short selling profits. And other investors can use the data, analytics, and research produced by short sellers! That information often helps investors gain market insights and company intelligence. And that helps both long and short investors improve their stock market vision and understanding.

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Best stock scam tips

Best stock scam tips and FAQ about stock scams

Use the best stock scam tips to keep investments safe, and profitable fun. Knowing and being aware of scams helps you set up a good defense for your investment portfolio. As always, your best defense against any scam is awareness and knowledge. This lesson shares scam detector questions you can use to uncover scams. As well, the lesson gives you scam proofing blocks, which you can use to avoid scams and build a scam-protected investment portfolio. Being scam aware helps protect your investments now and keeps your money working for you and away from the scammers. And scam awareness helps your build wealth now and will keep your future retirement comfort and finances secure.

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